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Oct 25, 2021 | amartin

In Blog

OpenSSF Quarterly Town Hall Announcement – UPDATED

The OpenSSF community is excited to chat more in-depth about several exciting project updates and recent announcements! We hope you'll join us for our next community Town Hall, to be held Monday, November 15 at 10 a.m. PT (click here to see it in your local time). This event is… Read more.

Oct 13, 2021 | OpenSSF

In Blog

The World’s Major Technology Providers Converge to Improve the Security of Software Supply Chains

Imagine you have created an open source project that has become incredibly popular.  Thousands, if not millions, of developers worldwide, rely on the lines of code that you wrote. You have become an accidental hero of that community — people love your code, contribute to improving it, requesting new features,… Read more.

Sep 27, 2021 | OpenSSF

In Blog

Announcing the OpenSSF Vulnerability Disclosure WG guide to disclosure for OSS projects

Authors: Anne Bertucio, Christopher Robinson, David Wheeler, OpenSSF Vulnerability Disclosure WG members Vulnerability disclosure is the process of reporting, remediating, and communicating the details of a discovered vulnerability.  This is a critical component of software security both for the software communities that create the code as well as the… Read more.

Aug 11, 2021 | OpenSSF

In Blog

Introducing the Allstar GitHub App

Authors: Mike Maraya, Jeff Mendoza We’re excited to announce Allstar, a GitHub app that provides automated continuous enforcement of security best practices for GitHub projects. With Allstar, owners can check for security policy adherence, set desired enforcement actions, and continuously enact those enforcements when triggered by a setting or file… Read more.

Jul 28, 2021 | jmertic

In Blog

July 2021 Update – New members and new resources for Best Practices and Vulnerability Disclosures underway

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) community is working diligently to improve the security of the open source ecosystem. This is no small mission, so we are excited to share all of the work that is happening. In case you missed our recent Town Hall meeting, the resources can be… Read more.

May 14, 2021 | OpenSSF

In Blog

How LF communities enable security measures required by the US Executive Order on Cybersecurity

Our communities take security seriously and have been instrumental in creating the tools and standards that every organization needs to comply with the recent US Executive Order Overview The US White House recently released its Executive Order (EO) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (along with a press call) to counter “persistent and increasingly… Read more.

May 5, 2021 | Carly Driggers

In Blog

Introducing the Security Reviews Initiative

Author: Michael Scovetta, on behalf of the Identifying Security Threats Working Group In addition to the Security Metrics initiative, the OpenSSF is proud to announce the Security Reviews initiative. Security Reviews joins a growing list of coordinated efforts spearheaded by the OpenSSF, aimed at securing the open source ecosystem. The… Read more.

May 4, 2021 | Carly Driggers

In Blog

May 2021 Update: OpenSSF Unveils New Security Initiative

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) community is working diligently to improve the security of the open source ecosystem. This is no small mission, so we are excited to share all of the work that is happening. In case you missed our recent Town Hall meeting, the resources can be… Read more.

May 3, 2021 | Carly Driggers

In Blog

Introducing the Security Metrics Initiative

Author: Michael Scovetta, on behalf of the Identifying Security Threats Working Group The OpenSSF would like to announce the initial release of the Security Metrics initiative. The primary objective of this initiative is to provide valuable decisive information about threats and risks associated with open source projects. Security Metrics comes… Read more.

Apr 14, 2021 | Carly Driggers

In Blog

Upcoming OpenSSF Town Hall on May 3, 2021

The OpenSSF community has been working diligently to improve the security of the open source ecosystem. We would like to share all of the great work that is happening and invite you to participate. We hope to see you at our next OpenSSF Town Hall Meeting on Monday, May 3,… Read more.