The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) is a community of software developers, security engineers, and more who are working together to secure open source software for the greater public good.
Collaborate on capabilities and best practices that secure open source software.
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Take free courses on secure coding practices as part of our certificate program.
Explore our helpful security guides to help secure your project from the start.
What’s in the SOSS? Podcast
Recent Blog Posts
Simplify SBOM Management for Developers: Introducing Bomctl
Prioritizing Security: Key Findings From The OpenSSF Survey For Financial Institutions
AIxCC Semifinals at DEF CON Showcase AI’s Potential in Securing Critical OSS Projects
Open source software is pervasive in data centers, consumer devices, and applications. Securing open source software requires fostering collaboration, establishing best practices, and developing innovative solutions.
Join the growing list of organizations supporting the advancement of securing open source technology and funding the development and adoption of OpenSSF initiatives.