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Your Favorite Software Repositories, Now Working Together

By April 19, 2022Blog

Authors: Dustin Ingram (Google), Jacques Chester (Shopify)

A software repository is a critical component of any open source ecosystem: it provides a trusted central channel to publish, store and distribute open-source third-party software to all consumers. Package indexes and package managers exist for almost every software ecosystem, and share many of the same goals, features and threats.

But these repositories and related tooling have been developed independently, with little knowledge sharing between them over the years. This means the same problems get solved repeatedly, mostly in isolation. As it becomes more important to increase the overall security of these critical repositories, it has also become important for these repositories to collaborate and share knowledge.

Today, we’re announcing the creation of the Securing Software Repositories Working Group, a community collaboration with a focus on the maintainers of software repositories, software registries, and tools (like package managers) that rely on them, at various levels including system, language, plugin, extensions and container systems.

We’ve brought together many of the key maintainers, contributors and stakeholders of software repositories that are critical to many open source ecosystems, including Java, Node.js, Ruby, Rust, PHP, and Python, to participate in the group.

This working group provides a forum to share experiences and to discuss shared problems, risks and threats. It also provides a collaborative environment for aligning on the introduction of new tools and technologies to strengthen and secure our respective software repositories, such as Sigstore.

You can learn more about the working group’s objectives in our repository and charter, join our meetings via the public OSSF calendar, or find us on the OpenSSF Slack in the #securing_software_repos channel. If you maintain or operate a software repository system of any kind, please join in!