A wax seal of security for the digital era

Sigstore is a new standard for signing, verifying, and protecting software.

Sigstore enables developers to validate that the software they are using is exactly what it claims to be using cryptographic digital signatures and transparency log technologies. Sigstore offers a suite of technologies that include Cosign for signing software artifacts, the Fulcio certificate authority, the Rekor transparency log, and Gitsign for signing Git commits. These tools can be used independently, or as one single process, for a holistic approach to open source security.

To address open source and software supply chain security, OpenSSF outlined a 10-point mobilization plan. One of those goals is for 50 of the top 200 projects to adopt an interoperable approach to software signing with Sigstore.


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Recent News


SigstoreCon 2024: Advancing Software Supply Chain Security

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On November 12, 2024, the software security community gathered in Salt Lake City for SigstoreCon: Supply Chain Day, co-located with KubeCon North America 2024. The one-day conference brought together developers,…
Sigstore OpenSSF Graduated Project

Sigstore Graduates: A Monumental Step Towards Secure Software Supply Chains

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Supply chain security took a giant leap forward this month as Sigstore officially became a graduated project within the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF). This milestone is a testament to…
OpenSSF Sigstore Simplifying Code Signing for Open Source Ecosystems

Sigstore: Simplifying Code Signing for Open Source Ecosystems

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This month’s spotlight focuses on the Sigstore project. Digital signatures play a critical role in the software supply chain, by providing verifiable attributes of authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation of artifacts…
Clarifying Sigstore Terms of Use

Clarifying Sigstore Terms of Use

| Blog, Sigstore | No Comments
The primary activity for The Linux Foundation projects is open collaboration on technical challenges that deliver tangible improvements for developers, companies, industries, and society at large. The focus we’ve always…