Here’s a little breakdown of the current CRA expert group composition by country and category.
The biggest non-institutional groups are companies, and trade and business associations, most of which are listed as European. Not sure why Philips is listed as a trade organisation, I would put them into the same category as Ericsson and Nokia, but who knows.
Some member states haven’t submitted their experts yet, while Spain sends four, including an AI expert. The Germans represent almost half of what is categorised as “company/groups”, but it also lists the Sovereign Tech Agency, which doesn’t really fit to the rest and is focussed on funding the open source ecosystem.
The groups of NGOs consists of three open source foundations, The Apache Software Foundation, Eclipse Foundation and OpenSSF, plus ANEC as European consumer organisation. The European agency is the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).
Let’s see how it looks like around the first meeting. I guess over time the composition is going to change somewhat, once the member states are in the clear who to send as their representatives.